TIPS on speaking to your legislator:

make an appointment.

If you’d like to meet with your legislator in your community, call them directly to set up a meeting. Let them know why you’d like to meet and who you are representing. If you’re traveling to Augusta, you do not necessarily have to set up a meeting, but it doesn’t hurt to do so. Chances are that you will have more time to speak with your legislator if you have a scheduled meeting.

plan your visit.

Know what you’d like to achieve out of this meeting. If you plan to meet with your legislator in Augusta, make sure the Legislature will be there that day. Find out when the House and Senate will be in session, and also look to see what committee meetings are scheduled for that day.

Be prompt & patient.

Legislators are very busy people, so it’s common that they may be running late or that your meeting will get interrupted at some point. If your meeting gets interrupted, be flexible.

Be prepared.

Know what issue you are going to discuss and its bill number. Bring information and materials that support your position and have copies available for your legislator. However, don’t overwhelm your legislator with materials – too many papers will be left unread.

Be brief.

Time is precious during the legislative session. Expect to meet with your legislator for 5 to 10 minutes in Augusta. If meeting in your community, 30 to 45 minutes is appropriate.

be strategic.

Make sure to show the connection between what you’re requesting and the interests of the legislator’s district. If possible, let your legislator know how you or your group can be of assistance. Be sure to ask for a specific commitment (for example, to support or reject a particular bill).

Be responsive.

Be prepared to answer questions or provide additional information should the legislator express interest. If you do not know the answer to a question, tell them you will get that information to them as soon as possible.

be respectful & appreciative.

If a legislator doesn’t agree with you, be respectful of their position. Being rude will not help your cause. You can assertively argue your position, and express disappointment in theirs, without being disrespectful. Make sure you thank your legislator for taking the time to meet with you.

follow up.

Hand-write a short note to your legislator to thank them for meeting with you. There is no need to cover again why you are for or against the measure. Your legislator will already have this information from your meeting. If you said you would provide them with additional information, include it. It is also good to check in on any unfinished business (for example, if your legislator said they needed more time to take a position on a certain issue).

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