Through science-based action, education, and advocacy, we work to protect and preserve the values and benefits of Maine’s lakes, ponds, and watersheds for future generations. We've been doing this since our founding in 1970 as the Maine Congress of Lake Associations.
We are Maine's only statewide membership organization devoted solely to protecting the health of our lakes and ponds, both today and for future generations. Together with more than 100 partners at lake associations, watershed associations, and state agencies, and led by a focused and dedicated team of staff and board, we form a nucleus of lake conservation activity that strengthens the capacity of lake ecosystems to resist destabilizing threats, especially the growing threats from climate change.
We are vigorous and successful advocates on behalf of Maine's lakes at the statehouse. Together with over 1,000 engaged grassroots activists we move protective actions forward and keepi strong lake and shoreland policies in place.
Our flagship program LakeSmart is a first-in-the-nation lake resilience program that trains and supports volunteers who connect with members of their community and engage them in lake protection activities, for the benefit of all who use our lakes.
We are working with educators across the state to build a Freshwater Education Network, bringing together watershed educators to share resources, build support systems, and ultimately make freshwater education available and accessible to all Maine students.
We focus on outreach efforts that move our members to action on behalf of our lakes. Whether it is our Lake Library of information and resources, our Healthy Lakes Video Series, our Winter Webinar series, our staff speaking at lake associations around the state, or our annual Maine Lakes Conference, our goal is to share the information and action steps that people need to help them help our lakes.
Our Core Values
We are supported by many volunteers and donors. To meet their needs for current and accessible information, we will maintain open and honest communication about our efforts to protect our lakes and alert them to new and potential threats.
Using the best information available, we will help our members become successful lake stewards.
The challenges facing our lakes cannot be addressed alone. We will work collaboratively with all of our partners to secure the future of our lakes.
We will maintain high standards in all that we do through our outstanding programs and professional staff, including financial transparency and the highest standards for nonprofit accountability. Our most recent 990 can be viewed here.
Equity and inclusion
We strive for environmental justice in lake conservation, and to make our programs, our board, and our membership inclusive of all Maine people. Please read our recent statement on Racism and Equality.
Our Goals
- We will bring LakeSmart programming to new lakes, expanding the reach of the program while while maintaining strong support for existing volunteer teams.
- We will bring freshwater education programming to a growing audience of Maine students through the framework of our Freshwater Education Network.
- We will see strong policies put in place for lake protection as a result of the proactive, science-based testimony and collaborative efforts with our lake partners.
- We will grow our membership to be ever more inclusive and far0raching, increasing our capacity to provide state-of-the-art information and services for you to take action for Maine's lakes.
If you share our values, agree with our goals, and believe in the future of healthy Maine lakes, help us ensure the health of our cherished lakes is protected both for today and for future generations by becoming a member today. We encourage you to jump in! and join us by donating to support our work..