Through science-based action, education and advocacy, we work to protect and preserve the values and benefits of Maine’s lakes, ponds, and watersheds for future generations. We've been doing this since our founding in 1970 as the Congress of Lake Associations. 

We are Maine's only statewide membership organization devoted solely to lakes and ponds. With our more-than-100 partner lake associations, we form a nucleus of lake conservation activity that strengthens the capacity of lake ecosystems to resist destabilizing threats. Led by a focused and dedicated team, we have recently:

  • advocated vigorously—and successfully—on behalf of Maine's lakes at the statehouse;
  • expanded LakeSmart, our first-in-the-nation lake resilience program; and
  • reached thousands of students through our innovative experiential Lakes Alive! middle and high school program;
  • adopted a broader and more inclusive membership model; and
  • embarked on a fundraising campaign to recruit new members, so that our vital work can continue for the next 50 years and beyond.

We believe in the future of Maine's lakes, and will strive to ensure the protection of our cherished lakes for today and for future generations. If you love your lake, then jump in! and join us or donate.


Our Goals

  • We will increase the number of LakeSmart participants and awards by 10% each year.
  • Through Lakes Alive! – our exciting floating classroom  we will inspire young and old to protect our lakes.
  • Through proactive, science-based testimony and collaborative efforts with our partners, we will advocate in Augusta for effective lake protection laws.
  • As the only statewide membership group devoted solely to lakes, we will increase our capacity to provide state-of-the-art information and services you need to Save Maine’s Lakes.


Our Core Values


We are supported by many volunteers and donors. To meet their needs for current and accessible information, we will maintain open and honest communication about our efforts to protect our lakes and alert them to new and potential threats.


Using the best information available, we will help our members become successful lake stewards.


The challenges facing our lakes cannot be addressed alone. We will work collaboratively with all of our partners to secure the future of our lakes.


We will maintain high standards in all that we do through our outstanding programs and professional staff.

Equity and inclusion

We strive for environmental justice in lake conservation, and to make our programs, our board, and our membership inclusive of all Maine people.  Please read our recent statement on Racism and Equality.