Our Team

Matt Scott
Matt Scott, Aquatic Biologist and American fisheries Society (AFS), Certified Fisheries Scientist. He created the Maine Lakes Division and biological program for the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in 1970 and was founder of the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP). The oldest program of its kind in the United States. He was also a founder and past President of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS). He holds Emeritus status in the AFS, AIFRB and NALMS. He holds degrees from the University of Maine in Wildlife Management, Fisheries and Public Administration. He was a former member and Chair of the Maine Board of Environmental Protection with 46 years of service to the State of Maine. Matt is also a Master Maine Guide, past President of the Sportsmen’s Alliance of Maine and a hobby beekeeper for more than 50 years.